

About Us

Lov8u Foundation a 501c3 Nonprofit Charitable Organization
Based in Las Vegas, Nevada.



Lov8u Foundation sprang from the heart of our Founder and President, Paula Sadler. From an early age, Paula recognized the healing power of unconditional love and prioritized inclusion, acceptance, and community-building. Witnessing violence, racism, segregation, and environmental destruction deeply affected her, fueling her mission to overcome these challenges and become a force for healing. It was an innate drive—an inner voice urging her to do what was right and kind.

Paula couldn’t comprehend why people hated others or disrespected diversity. Her journey to create LOV8U began in high school, writing letters for Amnesty International to advocate for prisoners of war. She then shifted to teaching love and acceptance through her actions. She had a deep compassion for the homeless, those battling addiction, trauma survivors, and anyone suffering.

In 2005, Paula focused on the Historic Commercial Center District of Las Vegas. Seeing the community’s pain, she initiated a neighborhood cleanup and beautification project that has continued for 20 years. Through prayer, meditation, and her Native American roots, she applied holistic healing methods like Reiki, Feng Shui, and Totem Medicine to transform the community, turning desperation and isolation into hope, togetherness, and joy.

Lov8u Foundation is Paula’s vision in action, dedicated to facilitating healing wherever needed. Whether you donate, join us, or collaborate, we deeply appreciate your involvement in our mission to work together in love and unity for the common good.

Donate Today!

We are committed to raising awareness and promoting healing. You can join this mission by making a donation today. With a $20 donation, you’ll receive a free copy of “The Nature of Miracles” e-Book, Volume 01 of 03, by Paula Sadler. Written after 9/11 and first published in 2008 as a limited edition in Las Vegas, this book has become a best-seller in Self-Help, Hope and Inspiration, Spirituality, and How-To genres.

Inspired by the events of 9/11, Paula’s book was created to help people overcome fear and terror, encouraging healing and peace through journaling, meditation, prayer, and affirmation. Half of the proceeds will support LOV8U Foundation programs.

Our Mission Statement

Our mission is to encourage and facilitate healing of communities and people on all levels through applying the principle of unconditional love in action. We are dedicated to elevating consciousness through community clean up, beautification projects, and teaching non-violence through communications in peace.

Our Vision

We see LOV8U as a revolutionary leader in the consciousness movement for the individual and global community; to be a model of sharing good news, focusing on the positive for personal and world growth, to be service-minded to communities and people in need, to focus on where the healing is needed, and being a powerful agent of change, to be an example of the principle of unconditional love through kindness and spiritual practice where miracles can be seen and appreciated by all, as a natural outpouring of love in action, and be recognized as a part of nature, and proven by natural law and science of the impossible becoming possible.


Paula Sadler

Founder and CEO of LOV8U

Lov8u Foundation embodies Paula Sadler’s heartfelt vision of healing through unconditional love, inclusion, and community unity. Motivated by empathy for societal challenges like war, racism, and environmental degradation, Paula has dedicated her life to transforming despair into hope.

From advocating for prisoners of war to revitalizing Las Vegas’ Historic Commercial Center, she has demonstrated that love in action can unify and heal communities. Join us in spreading this transformative love through donations, collaboration, or sharing your talents for a better world.